


Guide to postgraduate career in medicine: Canada

Wiktoria Brzozowska


On the 17th of January, we would like to invite all medical students to the second webinar in the cycle of guides to postgraduate career in medicine. This time, Haytam Al Hamaydeh, a student of the English Division of Wrocław Medical University is going to introduce us to the postgraduate opportunities in Canada.


Topic: IFMSA Wrocław - Guide to postraduate career in medicine - CANADA Time: Jan 17, 2021 06:00 PM Warsaw Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96221426640?pwd=UlRBcm9hcTFkYzRpeW5JcjVxMG9TUT09 Meeting ID: 962 2142 6640 Passcode: 590879